January 2006 Edition
Happy New Year and welcome to re:thinking magazine. Below you will find the titles, with a short synopsis, of the various articles appearing in this issue. We are interested in any feedback you may have, whether positive or not, so feel free to e-mail us at allan@allanturner.com. If you wish to correspond directly with the writers, their e-mail addresses are provided at the end of their articles.
Editorially Speaking: Jesus And DivisionBy Allan Turner
In Isaiah 9:6, the prophet referred to Jesus as the “Prince of Peace.” In the New Testament, He is called the “Lord of peace” (2 Thessalonians 3:16). And at His birth, the angels and the heavenly host said: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” (Luke 2:14). Around Christmas time we hear folks quoting these passages as if they were originally intended as a remedy for the sad state of affairs in the world (i.e., “wars and rumors of wars”). Contrary to what many people think, these passages are not addressing Jesus’ connection to peace between nations. Neither are they saying that His primary mission was to bring peace between men. Jesus did not come to bring peace in the way we normally think of the word. If you want to read more about what Allan has to say about this, click here.
The Indwelling Of The Holy Spirit (Part V)By Wayne Wells
In this fifth of several articles on the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, Wayne deals with the relationship between the Holy Spirit and the word. To read more about it, click here.
The “Work” Of Elders Is The Critical MatterBy Randy Blackaby
Virtually any study or discussion of church “elders” immediately focuses on the qualifications for this office. Does the person have “believing children,” what does that entail and must all his children be faithful? Is the person “apt or able to teach” and is he a good leader in the home? But when was the last time you heard a significant discussion of the “work” of elders? To read about just such a discussion, click here.
Why Genesis Matters (Part VI)By Doy Moyer
In this sixth in a series of articles on the importance of the book of Genesis, Doy continues to explain why Genesis matters when it comes to developing and maintaining a genuine biblical worldview. To read this installment, click here.
The Church Without
Laity (Part III)By Allan Turner
The church purchased with the precious blood of Jesus Christ is unique (cf. Acts 20:28). It is most unfortunate that it remains a church unknown to most. It is, astoundingly, a church without laity, and it is this feature that Allan will be focusing on in this series of articles. To read the third installment in this series, click here.